AppJobs GAP

Gig Recruiting Made Easy

AppJobs is a the largest gig-worker community in the world.
Become an approved partner to advertise your job offers and get access to our Gig-worker Acquisition Platform (GAP).

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Why AppJobs?

Hire Workers Anywhere

Find workers in more than 35 countries and over 400 cities, and post job offer by city or country. Whether you're looking for steady new hires or expanding to new cities, we've got you covered.

Improve with Data

Improve your recruiting efforts with powerful insights into competitors, gender and age distribution of applicants, and industry trends.

Dedicated Campaign Analysts

Get a dedicated Campaign Analyst to help you drive the efficacy of your recruiting campaign, expand your business, and manage the campaign while you sleep.

Reduce Your Hiring Costs

Narrow your search to custom audiences based on geo-location, language, skills, and interests. Your job will only be shown to people who are a great fit.

Our Partners

We work with the leading companies in the gig-economy industry, delivering leads and insightful data to help them grow their businesses
CareGuide logo
Rover PetSitting logo
Uber logo
Uber Eats logo
Airbnb logo
Doordash logo
Revolut logo
Splend logo

Track and manage  supply acquisition campaigns

AppJobs GAP screen
The GAP Platform is a job board where you can advertise your job offers. Works as a tool to make everything smoother and straightforward, but also as a dashboard to maximize lead generation and revenue potential.
  • Gig-worker Acquisition Platform 
  • Brand Strength
  • Demographics Insights
  • Industry Trends

Integrate with the most popular platforms

Do you manage your supply acquisition directly or do you prefer collaborating with a media buying agency, run an affiliate program or handling all this through a programmatic platform? We welcome all: We can integrate your bidding feeds, you can use our tracking solutions or add your own tracking URLs.
  • Media buying agencies
  • Bidding feed integration
  • Affiliate programs
  • Analytics tools

Questions? Let's talk

Get help setting up a new account by speaking with one of our GAP Specialists. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
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